Hall of the World's Ugliest Corvette
Gallery of Fine Art

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© 2002 Brian F. Schreurs
Even we have a disclaimer.

Thufferin' thuccotath! Thath one theriouthly ugly bird!
This is -- used to be -- a 1985 Corvette. The owner, who calls himself "Buckeye", says: "Women love this car. Every time I stop for gas, women come up to me. I could have as many girlfriends as I want -- old ones, fat ones, anything. They're all over me."

Okay you guys, you're causing so much trouble with my ISP that I have to ration you. All the pictures are still here, online, but you have to click each one to see it. Slowing you down like this spreads out the bandwidth spikes. So they tell me.

Mind you, I'm not complaining. Most ISPs would have made me pull the page entirely by now.

Right rear, with Buckeye in the pic.
(That's Buckeye in the blue vest, pointing)

Front, hood.

Front left, hood; check out the oil cooler.

Close up of the front bumper and oil cooler.

Close up of the hood.

Engine, left side. Yep, he did that too.

Engine, right side, and wheel wells.

Underside of the hood.

Interior, passenger side.

Passenger side door; special guests, Crash Test Dummies.

Right rear, including display of pecker size.

Left rear; special guest, Mickey Mouse.

Left side generally.

Interior, driver's side.

Through the sunroof.

I used to be keeping track of which websites were linking to this page, but after it passed 100 sites I kinda ran out of patience for the project. Sorry if you miss it. :(

If you have trouble loading this page, it may be because my ISP put a transfer limit on it after visitors repeatedly crashed the server (which hosts several sites besides this one). Just try back later.

Oh well, I hope you check out the rest of the site, and these roadkill stickers.


There's a lot more to this website besides plug-ugly cars. You might enjoy Paradise Garage, where we're currently conducting a synthetic oil life study. Or, for less technical stuff, you might like The O Pine, where you'll find articles on drivers' licensing, fuel economy, old car safety, and much more.