Contact Us

Coltrane Productions, Inc. is no longer in business, but we have left the site online as a tribute to the dedication and hard work of its owner and founder, Brian F. Schreurs.

In loving memory of Brian F. Schreurs, proprietor of Coltrane Productions, Inc.

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Copyright © 1998-2004 Coltrane Productions.
All rights reserved.

If you're looking to get ahold of us, you've come to the right place. We apologize for not placing an e-mail link right on every page, but these days the level of spam we get is approaching 90% of all e-mail in our inbox. Therefore, we have to take certain precautions to prevent spamcrawlers from harvesting our e-mail.

Some things you might want to contact us about:

  • Magazine Search Query/Reservation: If you'd like us to search our master magazine database, send us an e-mail with your search request. Or, if you'd like to be absolutely sure that your magazines are held for you, send us an e-mail with the issues you would like.
  • Magazines For Sale: Got a collection you'd like to sell? Let us know.
  • Questions and Comments: Write in with any questions you may have, or comments about our offerings, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
  • Group/Bulk Purchase: If you're part of a group looking to buy multiple copies of an item, or you yourself would like to buy something in bulk, send a note to discuss terms.
  • Web Development: We have a team of creative web developers eager to build a website for you. Contact us for information.
  • Anything Else: No, really, we live for you guys. Tell us what's on your mind.

Please note: Our ability to answer technical questions is limited to running a search for tech articles in car magazines. If you need help with a project other than looking for magazine tech articles, then you may do better someplace like Neptune.

At this time please reach us via snail-mail.

We do not currently have a public telephone line, as we lack the staff to answer it in a timely manner.